
Saturday, April 8, 2017

That is hard to distinguish between the road opened

Salyan road bridge when two locals have been tortured. District tharamare, Farulachaur road section and tharamare Chaurjahari Ratamata pharulakhanda Dharampani ciyapanidekhi Kalagaun syanipiplisamma street to reach the bridge when the river for decades since the vehicles are on the road to adventure tours.Ciyapanie syanipipliko four kilometers of roads must kholamai. If you look at the situation is hard to distinguish between the road and the river. Professional and passengers faced problems of traffic and hard for decades. CK-3 of the local village development kumakha Malika Sharma said, "The locals fear that futile plow the land before them. Lagaekaharule the responsibility of constructing the roads of the broo
Similarly, tharamare, Farulachaur a kilometer section of road Ratamata Farulachaur road is also kholamai. "Great to be opened because the rainy season is not in harmony with Trains. 'Pharulaka local Ramesh Chand said," We regularly because the water coming vadhikai the vehicle out there. "
Because of the way apart and the roads during the rainy season floods come each year, millions will be spent in the name locals have complained. "In winter the road and opened the road during the rainy season the water is turned into." Malla sarcastic style local khemprakash said, "So far, no initiative for a solution to the problem is not a thing." Derailed who lost for the first time travel? When asked what would be done, he lamented vakka shock. When the decision of the export of goods produced by local river bridge and rainy day to buy the same problem in the uyapabhogyaka complained.

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