
Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Dalai Lama despite China's protest controversial area came tavana

April 26, 2073- Tibetan religious leader the Dalai Lama on Friday reached tavana arunancala province. He objected to the visit of China initiated the controversial land he had reached tavana. His claim is that China tavanalai.

Arunancalako diranabata 7 hour long road journey tavana are reached. He was airlifted by helicopter land due to bad weather on Tuesday to finalize tavana unchecked, had returned. He reached Guwahati tavana are being dirana.

He will return on Tuesday night for a four tavanako a monastery. If sermons Lama has been beefed up security around the monastery coijina singing
Tavanama the 336-year-old Monastery, India's second largest monastery in the world's largest if. Lhasa's Potala Palace is considered the world's largest Buddhist monastery in Tibet.

In 1 9 50 thaleyata control in Tibet is China tavanalai their land claim. The Dalai Lama fled to India in 1 9 5 9 in Lhasa to come. He tavana to India was in vain.

The Dalai Lama's visit to India tavana relations with China, has been providing a warning.

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